ANZBMS Mid-Career Fellowship

In recent years, funding for mid-career researchers has become increasingly difficult to obtain, jeopardising the future career of many of our colleagues in bone and mineral research. The ANZBMS has therefore created a new mid-career targeted Fellowship Award with the intention of supporting emerging leaders in bone and mineral research and with particular consideration given to those at acute risk due to the current funding climate.


The Award:

ANZBMS will fund up to two one-year 'Gap Fellowships'/Mid-Career Fellowships of AUD$50,000. In order to be awarded, the applicant's administering institution must match this amount. Funds will be for salaries only, to be paid in two instalments (initial and at six months). The Award does not cover any on-costs. Successful applicants cannot reapply for the award in subsequent years.



In order to be eligible to apply, applicants at the time of application must:


How to apply:

Eligible applicants should submit:

Applications should be submitted through the RAO of the applicant’s administering institution together with a letter providing evidence of matching funds. Applications should be sent to the following address:

Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society
c/o Ivone Johnson
145 Macquarie Street
Sydney, NSW 2000

Applications can also be emailed to Ivone Johnson, ANZBMS Executive Officer:

If the applicant is awarded another Fellowship prior to notification of the outcome of the ANZBMS Mid-Career Fellowship they must withdraw their application as soon as possible.

If the successful applicant is awarded another Fellowship or relocates out of Australia or New Zealand during the tenure of the ANZBMS Mid-Career Fellowship, funds will be paid on a pro-rata basis only and the Fellowship will be terminated. Similar rules apply if the successful applicant is awarded a grant or contract that includes funding for the successful applicant’s salary.


For further questions please contact Ivone Johnson (


Past Recipients

2018 - Dana Bliuc

2017 - Rachel Davey, Nicki Lee

2016 - Allison Pettit