ANZBMS BHF Interdisciplinary Collaborative Grant

Established in 1991, The Bone Growth Foundation Inc. trading as the Bone Health Foundation (BHF/Foundation) is a not-for-profit organisation that raises money for research and education into bone health and musculoskeletal conditions that affect Australians of all ages. The Foundation receives no government funding and relies solely on support from public and private individuals and organisations.

The Australian and New Zealand bone and mineral society represent a research community that has a proven track record of producing internationally competitive research outcomes which have a meaningful impact on individuals with poor bone health.

The bone and mineral research sector is currently experiencing unprecedented challenges and historic low funding rates in major and international funding schemes.

The ANZBMS and BHF have aligned purposes to enable rigorous research, advocacy and education focused on reducing the burden of bone disease. Together they are committed to ensuring this track record of excellence and impact, continues and thrives in the current climate of complex national funding conditions.

This Research Grant Application Guide serves to outline the overarching funding guidelines for the co-funded Collaborative Interdisciplinary Grant. This document should be read before completing an application form.

The purpose of this grant is to develop new cooperation, exchange of ideas and research collaborations between research institutions, groups or industry partners in musculoskeletal research. Specifically, the scheme aims to:

The maximum value of the grant is $AUD30,000 for a 12-month project. Applications Close 5pm AEST, Friday 3 November, 2023.

Information can be obtained from the ANZBMS Awards and Grants Web Page or the Bone Health Foundation

Application forms can be requested from

Grant Information

Download the ANZBMS BHF Interdisciplinary Collaborative Grant information document. 

Grant Application

Application forms can be requested from from Monday 11 September, 2023.


2024 - Jessica Sandy